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Showing posts from April, 2018


My eyes bulge out in pain as hammers go off in my head, their rhythimic pounding pulsating through my very being. My ears ring with this sound and there's only so much that I can do before I rip them off. I try to calm, but it hurts more when I stay still. People hustle by, unaware of my agony. Coffee and more coffee, but nothing works. Finally, an aspirin in my sweaty palms. It pretends to help but it walks off, laughing. Tears form in my burning eyes and run down my face, burning my skin as if they were acid. My legs wobble as I make my way to wherever, I don't know. My spine seems to disappear and I fall, my knees collapsing onto themselves, cracking loudly on the concrete. I wake, dazed by the light the devil's put in my face. I wake, and the pounding continues. Hushed voices and frantic parents. Over accomplished doctors who think they know it all. Do they not see the fire, had they not heard the fall? I long for sleep, but the torture continues. When sleep doe


I look into the mirror whilst brushing my teeth, my face all blurry, my extensively myopic (you see, hyper wouldn't have worked here) eyes a living testimony as to why you shouldn't read in the dark. Changing quickly, I walk down to the tracks. And I run. Without music. Without halts. My heart pumping--at first pounding-- steadily in my body, the strength of the muscles amazing me once again. My huffs become my rhythm; the sound of my beating heart, my music. For once I think of nothing-- nothing but the fall of my feet on the ground,the path of my breath down my throat and the sound of the koyal in the distance. Nothing but the fading blue of the early morning sky. Feel the burn, they said. Well I felt it, doused it in oil and lit it up again.